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⚠️ Emergency Alert 02-21-2025: Attention Hanford Bay residents: Due to a water line break on Shore Drive, the water in your area will be off until further notice. Our crews are on scene working on repairing the problem.
Notice 02-12-2025 : The American Flag at the Town Hall is not flying due to a break in the flagpole mechanism. A new flagpole will be installed as soon as the weather breaks.

Fire Department Consolidation Meeting

The Town of Hanover will be holding a Special Informatio​nal Meeting, Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 7:00pm in the court room at the Hanover Town Hall, 68 Hanover St, Silver Creek NY. The Board will be video conferencing with Bradley Pinsky from Pinsky Law Group, and Noel Guttman from the Chautauqua County Office of Emergency Services, to discuss Fire District Consolidat​ion. Discussion will include the costs, legalities, benefits, advantages and possible disadvanta​ges of Fire Department/ District Consolidat​ion within the town of Hanover.  The Public is welcome and encouraged to attend this informative meeting.