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⚠️ Emergency Alert 02-21-2025: Attention Hanford Bay residents: Due to a water line break on Shore Drive, the water in your area will be off until further notice. Our crews are on scene working on repairing the problem.
Notice 02-12-2025 : The American Flag at the Town Hall is not flying due to a break in the flagpole mechanism. A new flagpole will be installed as soon as the weather breaks.

Town Clerk

Town Clerk

Beach Parking Permit - 
for S. Shore Drive Lot in Sunset Bay – only available to Town of Hanover residents or owners of property within the Town of Hanover.  Registration for the vehicle is required.  Cost is $5.00.  If the address on the registration is not a Town of Hanover address, proof is required to property ownership.

Bicentennial Park Reservations (King Road Park) – only available to Town of Hanover residents or owners of property in the Town of Hanover.  There is a $100 deposit to reserve the park.  

Boat Launch – Motorized season passes are limited in number and cost $125 per year ($100 for town resident).  Launch fees are $12 per launch for any motorized vessel.  Non-motorized season passes are $30 per year ($20 for resident).  Launch fees are $3 per launch for any non-motorized vessel.  The fish cleaning station is only available when an attendant is on duty.  The cost is $10 if a launch pass has not been purchased.  If season passes are sold out, pay per launch is still available.   

Dog License - NYS Ag & Markets Law requires dogs to be licensed at the age of 4 months of age, or within 30 days of being harbored in the Town of Hanover.  

License fees are $15.00 for an unspayed/unneutered dog, $5.00 for a spayed/neutered dog.  There is a $5.00 service charge if the dog has been unlicensed for more than 30 days.  The dog must have a current rabies vaccine in order to be licensed, and certificate must be provided in order to license.  A spaying or neutering certificate must be provided to receive the lower license fee. 

Handicap Parking Hanger – Issued to NYS residents who live in the Town of Hanover outside the Village of Silver Creek.  Must have completed application from doctor and driver’s license. Village of Silver Creek Clerk’s office issues to village residents. 

Hunting/Fishing Licenses – Driver’s license is required.  Fees set by NYS DEC. 

Marriage License - Please call the Clerk's office for information on how to apply for a marriage license and to make an appointment to apply for a marriage license.  The marriage application form is available at the bottom of this page.  

Town/County Tax Collection – Bills are mailed the first week of January, and are payable at the Town of Hanover until the first part of April.  Dates vary yearly.  Bills can be paid in person or by mail.  Acceptable forms of payment are cash, check, money order, credit/debit card (3% convenience fee assessed on all credit/debit card transactions).  Village and School Taxes are NOT payable at the Town Hall.

Water/Sewer Payments –  Payment is due in full.  No partial payments.  Penalty must be included if after due date.

            Town of Hanover Water Districts are billed in February and August.

            Town of Hanover Sewer Districts are billed in May and November.

            Hamlet of Forestville Water Districts are billed in May and November.

On-Line Bank Payments do not have a United States Postmark.  Any payment received will be posted on date of delivery, and subject to penalty if received after due date.  

Vital Statistics - Birth/Death/Marriage Certificates – Vital Statistic information cannot be given over the phone.  Per NYS Guidelines, only certain persons are able to obtain vital statistic documents.  Please call the Clerk’s Office to see if you are eligible and what identification is needed.  Requests can be handled over the counter in person or through the mail.  Mail inquires require a notarized signature.  The cost is $10 for each certified copy. 

